Catalog Review

For Course Qualities In Effect For 2025-26

Process Date: 12-MAR-2025

EDUC - Education

  Long Title: Directed Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Theatre Techniques for Educators  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: EDUC 253 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Description: Whether preparing to work as a classroom teacher or in an arts organization, students will explore the power of theatre as a means to teach core content. Taught largely through the guided execution of theatre activities, students will participate in and create interactive curriculum. We will explore how theatre engages a variety of learners and research its history of efficacy with English Learners, underserved communities and students with special needs.

  Long Title: Pre-Student Teaching Practicum  
Units: 1 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 08 - Internship/Practica Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Description: Through this optional course, teacher certification candidates can earn 1 unit of credit for 15-30 hours of practicum experience in school classes prior to student teaching. Candidates observe lessons and assist school students with their learning and teachers with their classroom preparation, learning activities, and assessment. Pre-approval from an education faculty member is required. Students who complete a pre- approved practicum during a break register for credit in the subsequent term. May be repeated. S/U only.

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Tutorial studies in the fields of educational psychology, learning theory, cognitive science, alternative education and on various topics related to teaching and learning. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced study arranged in consultation with the department. Students considering a senior honors project should register for this course. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Educating All Learners  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: EDST 180 and junior standing
Description: This teacher certification course focuses on two aspects of K-12 teaching: (1) helping learners develop academic and disciplinary literacy, and (2) planning instruction for a variety of learners, including students with disabilities, English learners, and students with gaps in knowledge or needing greater challenge. Each student will arrange their own practicum of three hours per week in a grade 5-12 school class that includes students with unique learning needs. PREREQUISITES: EDST 180 and junior standing

  Long Title: Educating All Learners - Music  
Units: 3 Cross-Listing Parent: MUEP 431 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: EDST 180, junior standing, and declared major in music education
Description: This course for students seeking certification to teach music (choral, general, and/or instrumental) focuses on adapting music instruction to learners with disabilities. Practicum of 10 hours required in a music class that includes learners with special needs. PREREQUISITES: EDST 180, junior standing, and declared major in music education

  Long Title: Methods in Elementary Teaching  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission to the teacher education program
Description: Students will practice and observe instructional strategies, assessment, and organization of the elementary environment, analyzing how learner, subject, and environment influence pedagogical choice. Emphasis on collaborative learning, differentiated instruction, and developmentally appropriate practice. Practicum of 20 hours required. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing and admission to the teacher education program

  Long Title: Methods in Middle and Secondary Teaching  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission to the teacher certification program
Description: A seminar on methods and organization of teaching particular subjects in the middle and secondary school, including English, social studies, mathematics, science, and theatre. Practicum of 20 hours required. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing and admission to the teacher certification program

  Long Title: Elementary and Secondary World Language Methods  
Units: 2 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560
Description: A seminar on teaching world languages in the elementary, middle, and high school. Emphasis on curriculum planning, methods of instruction, and assessment of learning. PREREQUISITES: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560

  Long Title: Methods in Teaching English Learners  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
G044 - GER Dimens Diversity
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: LING 360 and 362
Description: A seminar in teaching English to speakers of other languages in elementary, middle, and secondary school as well as in foreign language classrooms abroad. The course focuses on curriculum planning, methods of instruction, and assessment of learning for English learners in diverse learning environments. Practicum of 20 hours required. PREREQUISITES: LING 360 and 362

  Long Title: Elementary Content Area Methods  
Units: 3 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Admission to elementary teacher certification and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 665 and EDUC 675
Description: This course is for students concurrently enrolled in the elementary student teaching apprenticeship. The apprenticeship will design and teach lessons engaging elementary students and young children in the fundamental content, concepts, and inquiry tools of mathematics, English language arts, social studies, science, fine arts, physical education and health. PREREQUISITES: Admission to elementary teacher certification and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 665 and EDUC 675

  Long Title: Art in the Elementary and Secondary Schools  
Units: 2 Cross-Listing Parent: EDUC 585 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 03 - Standard Plus Additional Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560
Description: A seminar on teaching art in the elementary, middle, and high school. Emphasis on curriculum planning, methods of instruction, and assessment of learning. PREREQUISITES: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Tutorial studies in the fields of educational psychology, learning theory, cognitive science, alternative education and on various topics related to teaching and learning. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced study arranged in consultation with the department. Students considering a senior honors project should register for this course. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Student Teaching (Middle and Secondary Schools)  
Units: 18 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A010 - Internship
A013 - Community Based Learning
G050 - GER Speaking Intensive
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of all teacher education courses and the pre-student teaching portfolio; concurrent enrollment in EDUC 660.
Description: Student teaching is normally taken during Term I, coinciding with the public school fall semester. A weekly seminar at Lawrence is required as part of this course. See department chair for prerequisites and for exceptions to the Term I requirement. PREREQUISITES: Senior standing and completion of all teacher education courses and the pre-student teaching portfolio; concurrent enrollment in EDUC 660.

  Long Title: International Student Teaching  
Units: 18 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
G050 - GER Speaking Intensive
N020 - BM Study Abroad (07cmp)
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: Students must have been admitted to the student teaching program (college or conservatory) and have met all requirements for domestic student teaching. Students must also complete the edTPA during the first nine weeks of domestic student teaching. Contact the department chair for admission and fee requirements. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 660.
Description: This is an overseas student teaching option. After nine weeks of student teaching in the Fox Valley, students will be placed in one of sixteen countries to complete the student teaching practicum. International student teaching is available during 13th Term only. PREREQUISITES: Students must have been admitted to the student teaching program (college or conservatory) and have met all requirements for domestic student teaching. Students must also complete the edTPA during the first nine weeks of domestic student teaching. Contact the department chair for admission and fee requirements. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 660.

  Long Title: Advanced Methods in Teaching  
Units: 3 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 650 or 655
Description: The seminar will engage students in critical reflection on their student teaching experience. Concrete and theoretical problems having to do with teaching and learning will be explored, such as classroom management, lesson planning, and assessment of learning, as will issues having to do with education policy, school organization, and diversity and equity. PREREQUISITES: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 650 or 655

  Long Title: Advanced Methods in Teaching-Elementary  
Units: 3 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: Admission to elementary teacher certification and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 575 and 675
Description: The seminar will engage students in critical reflection upon their elementary student teaching experience. Concrete and theoretical problems of teaching and learning will be explored (e.g., classroom management, assessment, curriculum design), as will issues regarding educational policy and school organization. Taken in conjunction with student teaching in elementary. PREREQUISITES: Admission to elementary teacher certification and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 575 and 675

  Long Title: Student Teaching Elementary  
Units: 18 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: Yes Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: A013 - Community Based Learning
G050 - GER Speaking Intensive
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: Baccalaureate degree, admission to elementary teacher certification, and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 575 and EDUC 665
Description: Student teaching for elementary licensure (EC-MC) is a full-time, fall-semester apprenticeship in a K-6 grade classroom setting. This apprenticeship is an embedded clinical experience whereby the student teacher will learn the craft and art of teaching under the guidance of a master teacher from the Appleton Area School District. PREREQUISITES: Baccalaureate degree, admission to elementary teacher certification, and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 575 and EDUC 665

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus, LU Student Teaching Semester
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Tutorial studies in the fields of educational psychology, learning theory, cognitive science, alternative education and on various topics related to teaching and learning. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

  Long Title:  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 08 - Internship/Practica Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A010 - Internship
S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Description: The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Education  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S012 - Education Course
UD05 - Non-Divisional
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced study arranged in consultation with the department. Students considering a senior honors project should register for this course. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.