Catalog Review

For Course Qualities In Effect For 2025-26

Process Date: 12-MAR-2025

MATH - Mathematics

  Long Title: Foundations in Math  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 30 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: FY01 - Course for First Year Students
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: Must take ALEKS diagnostic exam, no minimum score required
Description: This course will cover properties of real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, factoring, polynomials, rational and radical expressions, exponentials and logarithms. Students will complete regular reading and writing assignments as well as in-class assessments. PREREQUISITES: Must take ALEKS diagnostic exam, no minimum score required

  Long Title: Preparation for Calculus  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 30 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: FY01 - Course for First Year Students
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: Score of 45 on proctored ALEKS assessment OR C- or higher in MATH 102 taken at Lawrence. Students with mathematics transfer work must still have a minimum ALEKS score of 45 (or complete MATH 102) in order to begin MATH 103.
Description: An exploration of functions, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. This course is designed to prepare students for the study of calculus at Lawrence. PREREQUISITES: Score of 45 on proctored ALEKS assessment OR C- or higher in MATH 102 taken at Lawrence. Students with mathematics transfer work must still have a minimum ALEKS score of 45 (or complete MATH 102) in order to begin MATH 103.

140 CALCULUS Active
  Long Title: Calculus  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 30 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: FY01 - Course for First Year Students
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: Score of 75 on proctored ALEKS assessment OR C- or higher in MATH 103 taken at Lawrence. Students with AP credit or mathematics transfer coursework must still have a minimum ALEKS score of 75 (or complete MATH 103) in order to begin MATH 140.
Description: Functions, limits, derivatives, the Mean Value Theorem, definition and properties of integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and applications to related rates, curve sketching, and optimization problems. PREREQUISITES: Score of 75 on proctored ALEKS assessment OR C- or higher in MATH 103 taken at Lawrence. Students with AP credit or mathematics transfer coursework must still have a minimum ALEKS score of 75 (or complete MATH 103) in order to begin MATH 140.

  Long Title: Multivariable Calculus  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 30 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: FY01 - Course for First Year Students
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: MATH 140 or suitable AP or IB score and minimum score on ALEKS online diagnostic exam as set by department
Description: Techniques of integration, vector algebra in the plane and space, matrix algebra, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, double and triple integration, optimization. PREREQUISITES: MATH 140 or suitable AP or IB score and minimum score on ALEKS online diagnostic exam as set by department

  Long Title: Directed Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL02 - 100-199 Introductory Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Complex Sequences and Series  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: MATH 155
Description: Complex numbers, sequences, convergence, series, power series, additional topics chosen from analysis, geometry, differential equations, and applied mathematics PREREQUISITES: MATH 155

  Long Title: Quantitative Decision-Making  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: ECON 223 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 25 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Description: Students will learn ways to aid decision-making by applying a scientific approach to decision problems involving quantitative factors: defining the problem, gathering data, formulating a model of the problem, developing computer-based procedures for evaluating solutions, testing and refining the model, analyzing the model’s alternatives, and communicating the results. Many assignments and exams will be completed using Excel, so students will also gain advanced Excel skills. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing

  Long Title: Quantitative Decision-Making 2  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: ECON 224 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 25 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
S023 - Mathematics Course
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: Econ 223 and STAT 255, or Econ 223 and instructor approval
Description: QDM2 picks up where QDM leaves off, asking students to create solutions more autonomously and examining more complex decision problems. For example, we may examine nonlinear optimization with multiple decision variables and more complex decision-making under uncertainty, including the use of simulation models, probability distributions, and Bayes Rule. Many assignments and exams will be completed using Excel, building on the Excel skills developed in QDM. PREREQUISITES: Econ 223 and STAT 255, or Econ 223 and instructor approval

  Long Title: Discrete Mathematics  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: MATH 155
Description: An introduction to mathematical reasoning and proof in the context of discrete structures relevant to the study of computer science. Topics include induction, sets, relations and functions, graph theory, combinatorics, and probability. PREREQUISITES: MATH 155

  Long Title: Linear Algebra  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: MATH 200
Description: The study of vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, and applications. Topics include linear independence, dimension, rank-nullity, change of basis, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, determinants, and inner products. PREREQUISITES: MATH 200

  Long Title: Probability  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: MATH 340 Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A005 - Cross-Listed Course
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: MATH 200, and either MATH 220 or MATH 230
Description: An introduction to probability and its applications. Topics will include combinatorial and axiomatic probability, conditional probability and Bayes' Theorem, random variables, expectation and variance, discrete and continuous probability distributions, joint and conditional distributions, and limit laws. PREREQUISITES: MATH 200, and either MATH 220 or MATH 230

  Long Title: Ordinary Differential Equations  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: MATH 155
Description: A study of ordinary differential equations and applications. Topics include standard techniques for special types of equations, linear and non-linear systems, existence and uniqueness, and qualitative behavior. PREREQUISITES: MATH 155

  Long Title: Advanced Linear Algebra for Data Science  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: 20 IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: Math 250: Linear Algebra
Description: Covers advanced topics in linear algebra, with applications to data science. Possible topics include matrix factorizations LU, QR, SVD, and CMR, applications to PCA (principal component analysis), dimensionality reduction, weighted least squares and other forms of interpolation, the DFT and FFT, spectral graph drawing and spectral clustering from the Laplacian and modularity matrices, Kalman filters, covariance matrices, multivariate Gaussians, Markov chains, and matrix completion. The choice of topics depends on the instructor. Will use both exams and project-based assessment. Students will apply linear algebra to concrete data sets for their projects. PREREQUISITES: Math 250: Linear Algebra

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced work in mathematics on topics not covered in regular offerings. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title:  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 08 - Internship/Practica Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A010 - Internship
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Description: The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL03 - 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Crs
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Guided independent study of an advanced topic in undergraduate mathematics or supervised work on an undergraduate research project, generally culminating in a final presentation and/or paper. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Numerical Analysis  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 250, one CMSC (computer science) course recommended
Description: Computer approximated (numerical) solutions to a variety of problems with an emphasis on error analysis. Interpolation, evaluation of polynomials and series, solution of linear and non-linear equations, eigenvectors, quadrature (integration), and differential equations. PREREQUISITES: MATH 250, one CMSC (computer science) course recommended

  Long Title: Optimization  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250, or MATH 310
Description: The study of local and global maximums and minimums of function, given various sorts of constraints. Linear problems and the simplex algorithm, general non-linear problems and the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, convex problems. Perturbation of problem parameters and duality. Applications to a wide variety of fields, including economics, game theory, and operations research. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250, or MATH 310

  Long Title: Mathematical Statistics  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH/STAT 340
Description: Development of the mathematical theory of statistics and its application to the real world. The course will focus on the principles of estimation and testing from both the frequentist and Bayesian perspectives. Resampling methods (permutation tests and bootstrap intervals) will also be explored. PREREQUISITES: MATH/STAT 340

  Long Title: Group Theory  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and MATH 250; or MATH 300 and consent of instructor
Description: The study of groups, group actions, and important examples of finite and matrix groups. Specific topics will include group homomorphisms, quotient groups, isomorphism theorems, Lagrange's Theorem, the Orbit- Stabilizer Theorem, and the Sylow Theorems. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and MATH 250; or MATH 300 and consent of instructor

  Long Title: Real Analysis  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and MATH 250
Description: A study of concepts in mathematical analysis, including convergence of sequences and series, continuity, differentiation, integration, and metric spaces. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and MATH 250

  Long Title: Graph Theory  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250, or MATH 300
Description: A survey of graph theory that balances the abstract theory of graphs with a wide variety of algorithms and applications to “real world” problems. Topics include trees, Euler tours and Hamilton cycles, matchings, colorings, directed graphs, and networks. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250, or MATH 300

  Long Title: Topics in Geometry  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A015 - Topics Course
G052 - GER Quantitative Analysis
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and MATH 250, or MATH 300
Description: The axiomatic development of euclidean and non-euclidean geometry, including the historical and philosophical issues raised by the “non-euclidean revolution.” Additional topics, such as projective or differential geometry and convexity, may be included. TOPICS FOR Fall 2025: TBD PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and MATH 250, or MATH 300 TBD

  Long Title: Complex Analysis  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250
Description: An introduction to functions of a complex variable, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, conformal mappings, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, and a sampling, as time and interest permit, of the corollaries to Cauchy’s theorem. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250

  Long Title: Rings and Fields  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250
Description: Modern algebra with topics selected from group theory, ring theory, field theory, classical geometric construction problems, and Galois theory. Emphasis on the use of mathematical abstraction to illuminate underlying relationships and structure. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250

  Long Title: Topics in Analysis  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A015 - Topics Course
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 310
Description: Selected topics in analysis covering a wide variety of spaces and leading to applications of classical importance. In recent years, topics have included fixed point theory, inverse and implicit function theorems, abstract theory of differential equations, Lebesgue measure and integration, Fourier series and transforms.

  Long Title: Topics in Algebra and Combinatorics  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: A015 - Topics Course
S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and MATH 250
Description: A study of interconnections between abstract algebra (especially finite group theory) and combinatorics (especially graph theory). Topics will include classical results (such as the matrix-tree theorem), as well as recent subjects and advances (such as the abelian sandpile model and the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs).

560 TOPOLOGY Active
  Long Title: Topology  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250
Description: A study of metric and topological spaces, including continuity, compactness, connectedness, product and quotient spaces. Additional topics may include Zorn’s Lemma, separation properties, surfaces, the fundamental group, and fixed point theorems. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250

  Long Title: Number Theory  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: MATH 230 and 250
Description: A study of the integers, including unique factorization, congruences, and quadratic reciprocity. Other topics may include finite fields, higher reciprocity laws, and algebraic number theory. PREREQUISITES: MATH 230 and 250

  Long Title: Modern Mathematicians  
Units: 6 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: No
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: No
Permission Req.: No Schedule Type: 01 - Standard Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: Math 230, Math 250
Description: We study ideas developed by mathematicians whose work has historically been undervalued in mathematics, including Black and Indigenous mathematicians, and mathematicians of color. The first half of the course will focus on understanding the mathematics underlying current research of a prominent modern mathematician. For the other half of the course, students will explore and present research of mathematicians of interest to them. PREREQUISITES: Math 230, Math 250

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced work in mathematics on topics not covered in regular offerings. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL04 - 400-599 Advanced Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Guided independent study of an advanced topic in undergraduate mathematics or supervised work on an undergraduate research project, generally culminating in a final presentation and/or paper. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Tutorial Studies in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 09 - Tutorial Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Advanced work in mathematics on topics not covered in regular offerings. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Directed Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 14 - Directed Study Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

  Long Title: Independent Study in Mathematics  
Units: 1 TO 98 Cross-Listing Parent: Repeatable: Yes
S/U Only: No Enr Limit per Sec: None IP Allowed: Yes
Permission Req.: Yes Schedule Type: 10 - IS Campus: Appleton Main Campus
Attributes: S023 - Mathematics Course
UD03 - Division of Natural Science
UL01 - Upper Level Degree Cr (200+)
UL05 - 600-699 Capstone Course
Prerequisites: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Description: Guided independent study of an advanced topic in undergraduate mathematics or supervised work on an undergraduate research project, generally culminating in a final presentation and/or paper. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.