Chemistry and Environmental Studies 247 Assignment 01 Winter 2010–11

Read (and reread!) the first two chapters of the text in order to keep up with class.

Submit your response to the queries below by 1:00 PM, Thursday, 06 January 2011. You may hand in your work at Science Hall 131, if it is open, or at the faculty mailboxes in Briggs.

In courses that focus on communication per se it is common to encounter critique forms used by the instructor and/or student peers.

  1. Look over at least 3 of the forms linked from Electronic Resources > Speaking and Listening. Preferably choose different items than others in the class. Identify these in your written response.
  2. If you were asked to select only one of these critique forms, unmodified, which one would that be? Explain why (a paragraph should suffice).
  3. Which types of feedback highlighted in any of these forms would you personally find most helpful? Explain why (a paragraph should suffice).
  4. If you were to propose a critique form that would be most appropriate to help students in this particular course, what elements would you select out of the example forms that you reviewed? How would you arrange them into something that we might well use this term?

Then come to class on Friday, 07 January, prepared to present or defend your responses, if asked. We will probably use only a small portion of the class period for this.

You should begin to identify the chapter(s) from the latter portion of the book for which you would especially like to develop your major class presentation(s).

Note that the final deadline for all written work in this course will be 1:00 PM, Thursday, 10 March 2011.