Ad Hoc WAAL Library Development & Legislation Committee, 1998

305.1 Principal Functions

Bring to the attention of the WAAL Board, to the WAAL membership, and to WLA's LD&L Committee, information regarding legislation concerning academic library programs, both on the state and national level. Make specific recommendations for action and carry out actions approved by the WAAL Board and the membership.

Make recommendations for initiating legislative action on matters of concern to academic libraries and work to carry out such action.

Maintain an active legislative network in cooperation with WLA and other organizations as appropriate.

305.2 Specific Activities

Report to the WAAL Board on important library-related legislation and the activities of the WLA LD&L Committee, and suggest actions to be taken.

Write letters and make personal contacts with state legislators regarding academic library legislation.

Maintain a WAAL network, in conjunction with the WLA network, to alert membership to action.

Inform membership of legislative concerns to academic libraries and encourage members to contact their legislators in support of library issues.

Work with Executive Committee on identifying issues for potential legislation. Develop legislative platforms as deemed necessary. Carry out legislative activities approved by WAAL Board and/or the membership.

Carry out legislative awareness activities through public relations and other programs such as Legislative Day, inviting legislators to address meetings (in cooperation with the Conference Planning Committee), etc.

Maintain liaison with the ACRL Legislation Committee and the WLA Federal Legislation Coordinator.

revised: 24-Sept-1997