Complex Analysis Midterm

Review Sheet


The midterm will be from 7-9 pm on Monday, April 24.  It will consist of

10 definitions to state

5 Theorems to state

5 Theorems to (state and) prove

10 True/False questions to test facts we have learned that donÕt have names and to test ability to check examples



Definitions:  If *Õd, be able to explain with a diagram.

1)  Complex Numbers

2)  Modulus (norm) of a complex number *

3)  Real and imaginary parts of a complex number/function

4) Argument of a complex number, principle argument *

5)  Polar coordinates *

6)  Complex conjugate *

7)  Open set in C *

8)  Closed set in C

9)  Limit point of a set in C *

10)  Isolated point of a set in C *

11)  Boundary of a set in C *

12) Limit of a function f:S ˆ C at z0 in S, where S is a subset of C

13) Continuity of a function f:S ˆ C at z0 in S, where S is a subset of C

14)  Open subset of S, where S is contained in C, or, relatively open set in S.
15)  Sum of paths in C

16)  Opposite path to a path in C.

17)  Path connected subset of C

18)  Step path

19)  Step path connected subset of C

20)  Path components of a subset of C

21)  Domain in C

22)  Convergent and divergent series in C

23)  Absolutely convergent series

24)  Power series

25)  Differentiable function f : Sˆ C

26)  exp(z), sin(z), cos(z),  sinh(z), cosh(z)

27)  Integral of a complex function along a path in C


Theorems:  If *Õd, be able to explain with a diagram.  If **Õd, be able to prove.

1)  The Complex numbers form a field

2)  Triangle inequality, norm of product is product of norms **

3)  Properties of complex conjugate

4)  The complex numbers cannot be ordered **

5)  A set S in C is closed if and only if it contains all of its limit points **

6)  A function  f:S ˆ C, where S is a subset of C, is continuous if and only if
for all open sets U in C, f -1 (U) is open in S. **

7)  Paving lemma **

8)  An open path connected subset of C is step path connected **
9)  Prop 2.11

10)  A convergent sequence in C is bounded. **

11)  Cauchy Criterion for convergence, or, General Principle of Convergence

12) An absolutely convergent series is convergent **

13)  Comparison Test

14)  Ratio Test

15)  Radius of Convergence Theorem **

16)  Product of absolutely convergent series

17) Cauchy Riemann Equations **

18)  Partial converse to Cauchy Riemann Equations **

19)  If fÕ=0 on a domain then f is constant there. **

20)  Prop. 4.8 **

21)  A power series may be differentiated term by term inside its

radius of convergence **

22)   Complex exponential and trig functions are periodic **

23)  The Fundamental Theorem of Contour Integration **

24)  Antiderivative of a power series **

25)  Estimation Lemma **

26)  Theorem 6.11 **