Be prepared to explain *Őd definitions in a short essay.


Up to midterm

     Differential equation

     Solution to a differential equation

     Initial value problem and solution

     Separable first order o.d.e.

     Exact o.d.e.

Linear 1st order ODE, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous

 *  Picard Iterates

 * Autonomous ODE, equilibrium solution, stable, unstable, semistable solutions

General first order and general second order ODE

    Homogeneous linear second order differential equation, inhomogeneous

               linear differential equation

     Wronskian of two functions



Since midterm

     Natural frequency of a spring system

     Quasi-frequency of a damped spring system

     Quasi-periodic, Critically damped, and overdamped spring


     Homogeneous linear system of equations

     Vector space



     Linear independence

     Basis and dimension

     Identity matrix

     Inverse matrix

     Determinant of an nxn matrix

     Eigenvalue/eigenvector of an nxn matrix

Characteristic equation of a matrix

     Wronskian of a set of n vector valued functions from R-->Rn


Be prepared to prove *Őd theorems


Before midterm

  * General formula for the solution to a first order linear equation

         with constant coefficients

 * Exact equations theorem (Theorem 2.6.1)

Existence and uniqueness theorem for general first order ODEs

    Existence and uniqueness theorem for linear second order IVPs

 * Principle of superposition



Since midterm

     Properties 1-9 of matrices in section 7-2

Theorem 3, packet page 143

  *  In any vector space V the zero vector is unique.

  * The eigenvalues of a matrix M are the roots of the equation

         det (M - lI) = 0.

 *  Subspace theorem (Theorem 4 p.145 packet)

* Matrix multiplication distributes across matrix addition (Prove in 2x2 case only)

Theorem on equivalent conditions for nxn matrix invertibility (from class Wed 11/16)

    Theorem 7.4.1  (solutions of a linear homogeneous system form

          a subspace of the space of vector valued functions)

    Theorem 7.4.2  (The solution space of a system of n equations is

          n dimensional)


TYPES OF PROBLEMS  (not an exhaustive list)


Before midterm

     Show that a given function solves a given differential equation

           or system or related IVP

     Draw a slope field diagram for a given differential equation

     Solve any linear, separable, or exact first order o.d.e.

     Set up differential equations models given information about

           rates or forces

     Do word problems like the basic ones in section 2.3

     Show two functions form a set of fundamental solutions for a

           given linear 2nd order equation

  Solve a constant coefficient second order linear homogeneous ode with real roots

Since midterm

     Find a pair of fundamental solutions for any second order

            homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients.

     Use the method of undetermined coefficients to solve

            nonhomogeneous second order linear equation.

     Solve undamped unforced and damped unforced spring


     Set up systems of linear equations based on mixing problems

     Solve matrix equations using Gaussian Elimination

     Determine if a given set of vectors is linearly independent

Determine if a given vector is in the span of a given set of vectors

     Find the determinant of an nxn matrix

     Find the inverse of a matrix up to 3x3

     Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix up to 3x3

     Solve 2x2 constant coefficient homogeneous linear systems

     Draw the phase plane for any 2x2 const. coeff. hom. lin. system



A Word to the Wise on Calculational Problems:

Do the problems that were assigned not to be turned in to practice for calculational problems.  Problems like these WILL APPEAR on the exam.