DEFINITIONS     Be prepared to explain *Őd definitions in a short essay.


     Differential equation


     Solution to a differential equation


     Initial value problem and solution


     Separable first order o.d.e.


 * Autonomous o.d.e.; equilibrium solution; stable, semi-stable and unstable


     Exact o.d.e.


     Bifurcation point


 *  Picard Iterates


Principle of Induction

 * EulerŐs Method (define the iterates and explain with a picture how the method works)


    Homogeneous linear differential equation, inhomogeneous linear differential equation


     Wronskian of two functions


Linear dependence/independence of two functions





THEOREMS     Be prepared to prove *Őd theorems


 * General formula for the solution to a first order linear equation with constant coefficients


      Existence and Uniqueness theorem for first order differential equations 


 * Exact equations theorem (Theorem 2.6.1)


   Existence and uniqueness theorem for linear second order IVPs


*  Principle of superposition


 * Two solutions form a basis for the solution space of a second order linear differential equation if their Wronskian is nonzero (Theorems 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 together)


 *  AbelŐs Theorem



TYPES OF PROBLEMS  (not an exhaustive list)


     Show that a given function solves a given differential equation or IVP   


     Draw a slope field diagram for a given differential equation


     Solve any linear, separable, or exact first order o.d.e.


     Set up differential equations models given information about rates or forces


     Do word problems like the basic ones in section 2.3


     Construct the first few Picard iterates for a given first order equation


     Approximate solutions to IVPs using EulerŐs method with only a few steps by hand


     Show two functions form a set of fundamental solutions for a given linear 2 nd order equation


     Find a pair of fundamental solutions for any second order homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients with distinct real roots.




A Word to the Wise on Calculational Problems:

Do the problems that were assigned not to be turned in to practice for calculational problems.  Problems like these WILL APPEAR on the exam.