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  • CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS (from Hickman and Roberts, 6th edition)

    KINGDOM Protista
    PHYLUM Sarcomastigophora (has flagella and/orpsuedopodia)
    SUBPHYLUMMastigophora(most move via flagella, EX. Eulgena)
    SUBPHYLUM Sarcodina (most move via psuedopodia, EX. Amoeba)
    PHYLUM Apicomplexa (endoparasites, EX. Plasmodium {causes malaria})
    PHYLUM Ciliophora (move via cilia, EX. Paramecium)

    KINGDOM Animalia
    PHYLUM Porifera (sponges)
    CLASS Calcaria (have calcium carbonate spicules)
    CLASS Hexactinellida (have 6 rayed, siliceous spicules)
    CLASS Demospongiae (have siliceous spicules and spongin fibers, this class accounts for ~80% of sponges)
    CLASS Sclerospongiae (coraline sponges)
    PHYLUM Cnidaria
    CLASS Hydrozoa (EX. Hydra)
    CLASS Scyphozoa (jellyfish)
    CLASS Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals)
    PHYLUM Ctenophora (comb jellies)
    PHYLUM Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
    CLASS Turbellaria (free-living, EX. Planaria)
    CLASS Monogenea (one-host parasites, flukes)
    CLASS Trematoda (multiple-host parasites, EX. Schistosoma)
    CLASS Cestoda (tapeworms)
    PHYLUM Nemertea (ribbon worms)
    PHYLUM Gnathostomulida (Planaria-like but has little parenchyma)
    PHYLUM Rotifera (mostly freshwater, up to 3mm long, have a ciliated corona)
    PHYLUM Gastrotricha (aquatic, up to 4mm long, bristles and a flat ventral side)
    PHYLUM Kinorhynca (marine, <1mm long with 13 segments)
    PHYLUM Loricifera (marine, possess a lorica)
    PHYLUM Priapulida (marine, cylindrical body with 1-2 caudal appendages)
    PHYLUM Nematoda (roundworms, EX C. elegans)
    PHYLUM Nematomorpha (adults Nematode-like, larva Priapulida-like)
    PHYLUM Acanthocephala (spiny-headed worms)
    PHYLUM Entoprocta (hydra-like but have a psuedocoelom)
    PHYLUM Mollusca
    CLASS Caudofoveata (worm-like in burrows, have scale-like spicules)
    CLASS Solenogastres (worm-like roam free)
    CLASS Monoplacophora (low rounded shell, psuedometameric)
    CLASS Polyplacophora (shell in plates, chitons)
    CLASS Scaphopoda (tubular shell open at both ends)
    CLASS Gastropoda (univalves, slugs and snails are examples)
    CLASS Bivalvia (bivalves {hinged shells, like clams}, aka Pelecypoda)
    CLASS Cephalopoda (molluscan foot in head region, squid is an example)
    PHYLUM Annelida (segmented worms)
    CLASS Polychaeta (mostly marine, have well differentiated head)
    CLASS Oligochaeta (mostly terrestrial, earthworms are and example)
    CLASS Hirudinea (mostly freshwater, leeches are and example)
    PHYLUM Arthropoda
    SUBPHYLUM Trilobata (extinct, called trilobites, resemble pill worms)
    SUBPHYLUM Chelicerata (have chelicerae and 4 or 5 pairs of legs)
    CLASS Merostomata (horseshoe crabs)
    CLASS Pycnogonida (sea spiders)
    CLASS Arachnida (spiders, scorpions)
    SUBPHYLUM Crustacea (crabs, shrimp, copepods, Daphnia are all examples)
    SUBPHYLUM Uniramia (unbranched appendages)
    CLASS Chilopoda (centipedes)
    CLASS Diplopoda (millipedes)
    CLASS Insecta (insects)
    PHYLUM Sipuncula (marine, not segmented, called peanut worms, can retract proboscis)
    PHYLUM Echiura (marine, not segmented, called spoonworms, cannot retract proboscis)
    PHYLUM Pogonophora (marine, benthic, sessile, worm-like)
    PHYLUM Pentastomida (parasitic, 4 claw-like appendages, chitinous cuticle)
    PHYLUM Onychophora (terrestrial, called velvet worms, stumpy legs with 2 claws)
    PHYLUM Tardigrada (water bears, have 8 unjointed pairs of legs with claws)
    PHYLUM Phoronida (marine, worm-like, secrete leathery tube to live in)
    PHYLUM Ectoprocta (aquatic, called bryozoans {moss animals})
    PHYLUM Brachiopoda (marine, sessile, have hinged shell but with pedicel)
    PHYLUM Echinodermata (triploblastic)
    CLASS Asteroidea (starfish)
    CLASS Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
    CLASS Echinoidea (sea urchins, sand dollars)
    CLASS Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
    CLASS Crinoidea (sea lilies, feather stars)
    CLASS Concentricycloidea (sea daisie)
    PHYLUM Chaetognatha (marine, arrowworms, 2.5-10cm long, with fins)
    PHYLUM Hemichordata (marine, acorn worms, triploblastic)
    PHYLUM Chordata (all have a notochord at some point)
    SUBPHYLUM Urochordata (sea squirt or tunicate, notochord in the tail)
    SUBPHYLUM Cephalochordata (marine, notochord in head and tail, EX. Amphioxus)
    SUBPHYLUM Vertebrata (have a backbone, either bone or cartilage)
    SUPERCLASS Agnatha (jawless fish)
    CLASS Myxini (hagfish)
    CLASS Cephalaspidomorphi (lamprey)
    CLASS Chondrichthyes (cartilagenous fish)
    SUBCLASS Elasmobranchii (sharks, skates, and rays)
    SUBCLASS Holocephali (chimaeras)
    CLASS Osteichthyes (bony fish)
    SUBCLASS Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish, sturgeon and teleost {for example trout})
    SUBCLASS Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish, lungfish and coelocanth are examples)
    CLASS Amphibia (frogs {Anura}, salamanders {Caudata}, caecilians {Apoda})
    CLASS Reptilia (reptiles)
    SUBCLASS Anapsida (skull has no temporal opening, turtles {Chelonia})
    SUBCLASS Diapsida (skull has 2 temporal openings, snakes and lizards {Squamata}, alligators and crocodiles {Crocodilia})
    SUBCLASS Synapsida (extint, skull has 1 temporal opening)
    CLASS Aves (birds)
    CLASS Mammalia (mammals, includes egg laying {Monotremata}, pouched {Marsupialia}, and placental {Eutheria})



  • 1 Classification
  • 2 Protozoa
  • 3 Cnidaria
  • 4 Platyhelminthes and Annelida
  • 5 Mollusca
  • 5 Mollusca DATA SHEET
  • 6 Arthropoda
  • 6 Arthropoda DATA SHEET
  • 7 Chordata
  • 7 Chordata DATA SHEET