Taoism and Confucianism
EALC 40 and Religion 33
Works for Further Reading
For very comprehensive
listings of works, both books and articles, consult
the following two web sites:
Though far less comprhensive, the
following list features a selection of interpretations and translations
through which to pursue an interest in Confuciansim and Taoism beyond the
basic level of the course.
Wei-Ming Tu
Centrality and Commonality : An Essay on Confucian
(Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
Albany: New York State University Press, 1989
Herbert Fingarette
Confucius : The Secular As Sacred
New York: Harper Torchbook, 1972
Confucius, Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont translators
The Analects of Confucius : A Philosphical Translation
New York: Ballentine Publishing, 1998
Herrlee Glessner Creel
Confucius, the Man and the Myth
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1973
David L. Hall, Roger T. Ames
Thinking Through Confucius
(Suny Series in Systematic Philosophy)
Albany: State University of New York Press: 1987
Mencius, D.C. Lau translator
London: Hammondsworth, 1970
Burton Watson, translator
Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu
New York Columnia University Press, 1967
Chung-Ying Cheng
New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy
(Suny Series in Philosophy)
Albany: New York State University Press, 1991
A. C. Graham
Two Chinese Philosophers : The Metaphysics of the
Brothers Cheng
Chicago: Open Court, 1992
Chu Hsi, Wingtsit Chan translator
Reflections of Things at Hand
New York: Columbia University Press, 1967
Chu Hsi , Allen Wittenborn translator
Further Reflections on Things at Hand : A Reader
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991
Wing-Tsit Chan
Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism
Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1986
Shou-Jen Wang
Instructions for Practical Living and Other Neo-Confucian
(Records of Civilization : Sources and Studies, No 68)
New York: Columbia University Press, 1985
William Theodore De Barry, editor
The Unfolding of Neo-Confucianism
(Columbia Neo-Confucian Studies)
New York: Columbia University Press, 1975
Wm. Theodore De Bary, editor
The Message of the Mind in Neo-Confucianism
(Columbia Neo-Confucian Studies)
New York: Coulumbia University Press, 1989
Holmes Welch and Anna Seidel, editors
Facets of Taoism
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979
John Bloefield
Taoism. The Quest for Immortality
London: Unwin and Allen. 1979
Chang Chung-yuan
Creativity and Taoism. A Study of Chinese Philosophy,
Art, and Poetry
New York: Harper Torchbook, 1970
Arthur Waley
Way and Its Power a Study of the Tao Te Ching and
Its Place in Chinese Thought
New York: Grove Press, 1988
Holmes Welch
The Parting of the Way. Lao Tze and the Taoist Movement
Boston: Beacon Press, 1965
Max Kaltenmark,
Lao Tzu and Taoism
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1965
Michael Lafargue
Tao and Method : A Reasoned Approach to the Tao Te
(Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
Albany: New York State University, 1994
Chuang Tzu, A. C. Graham translator
Chuang-Tzu: The Inner Chapters
New York: Routledge, 1986
Chuang Tzu, Burton Watson translator
Chuang Tzu : Basic Writings (Columbia Translations
from the Asian Classics)
New York: Columbia University Press, 1996
Victor H. Mair, Editor
Experimental Essays on Chuang-Tzu
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983
Robert E. Allinson
Chuang-Tzu for Spiritual Transformation : An Analysis
of the Inner Chapters
(Suny Series in Philosophy)
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989
A.C. Graham, translator
The Book of Lieh Tzu : A Classic of the Tao
(Translations from the Oriental Classics)
New York: Columbia University Press, 1990
Livia Kohn
The Taoiost Experience. An Anthology
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993
revised March 21, 2000
Franklin M. Doeringer@lawrence.edu