
I earned a BS degree in Physics and Mathematics from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Princeton University. After four years as a Ritt Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University I developed an interest in computation and teaching. I was an early adopter of Mathematica, starting with version 1.

In 1991 I joined the Lawrence University Mathematics Department with a joint appointment in mathematics and computer science. Since that time I have become more and more active in teaching computer science.


I teach a wide range of courses in computer science. Languages I teach include Java, C, C++, Python, Mathematica, and Javascript.

Current term web pages

Intermediate Programming

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Other recent courses

Web Client Programming

Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to Scientific Programming

Introduction to Data Structures

Web Development

Computer Graphics

Mobile Application Development

Back End Programming

Systems Programming

Neural Networks

Partial Differential Equations

Numerical Analysis

Theory of Computation

Older courses

Exploring Computer Science

Python Tutorial

Machine Learning Tutorial

Neural Networks Tutorial

Elementary Statistics

Calculus I

Calculus II

Contact Information

The best way to get in touch with me this term is by email to


My primary research interest is in software development. For a number of years now I have been writing C++ applications using the Qt application framework.

The primary product of my recent work is Lucid IVE software.

An older project of mine is DirectMath. (Most of the lecture notes you will see posted on my course web sites were written using DirectMath.)

Other Interests

I enjoy gardening and cycling. The area around Appleton offers many great roads for cycling: here are some of my recent rides.