WLA's 1997 Legislative Agenda

The Wisconsin Library Association's Legislative Agenda was approved at the WLA Board Meeting on Thursday, December 12, 1996.


Wisconsin Library Association membership includes libraries, library staff, library trustees and friends from all types of libraries in Wisconsin. Therefore, the legislative agenda must necessarily encompass a broad range of interests. However, all those interests share a common purpose to improve and promote library and information services and practice for the people of Wisconsin. We believe library and information services address essential informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs within Wisconsin and deserve legislative support.


Division For Libraries & Community Learning: WLA supports the Division for Libraries and Community Learning's (DLCL) leadership and service responsibilities in administering a program that extends and improves library services throughout the state. For the state's 1997-99 Biennial Budget WLA endorses the DLCL budget initiatives which include:

Public Library System Aids: These funds pay for system services to member libraries, including interlibrary loan, programs and grants to enable open access, delivery, automation, central collections, consultation, continuing education, and resource library services. WLA seeks a $4,307,700 increase to $16,079,900 in 1998 and an additional $804,000 increase to $16,883,900 in the second year of the biennium. WLA also supports reduction of the expenditure factor from 4% to 2% in the system aid formula, dependent upon a significant increase in system aids.

State Resource Contracts: WLA supports full funding for the four contracts: Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Wisconsin Interlibrary Services, Milwaukee Public Library/Interlibrary Loan and the Cooperative Children's Book Center. Full funding means using the 94/95 base level of $865,100 and adding 3% increases for 95/96 and 96/97, years in which no increases were received, and adding 3% increases for each year of the biennium for $945,300 in the first year and $973,700 in the second year.

Educational Technology Initiatives: WLA supports initiatives that will expand technology availability in libraries and schools and include: a.) state bonding for technology infrastructure in school and library buildings at $1 per capita, generating slightly over $5 million for public libraries and $100 per public school student, generating $87 million for distribution to schools; b.) Library and School Technology Consultant at $117,200 for two years; c.) technology training for teachers through $100,000 CESA grants for 1.2 million and d.) the ability of public library systems to apply for Educational Technology Board grants.

Refocusing Reference and Interlibrary Loan Services: WLA supports funding during the biennium for: a.) improved handling of ILL requests at a cost of $60,100; b.) video loan service at a cost of $91,700; c.) WISCAT Online at a cost of $100,000; and d.) improved statewide reference service at a cost of $254,700. Total requested: $506,500, for the biennium.

School District Revenue Caps: WLA supports legislation providing for flexibility in revenue controls on schools districts for the purpose of purchasing educational technology.

Connectivity: WLA supports efforts to connect all libraries and schools to the information superhighway. These include:

BadgerNet: State funds to help support costs to make connectivity to BadgerNet (the state's evolving telecommunications fiber network) financially attractive and affordable for all educational institutions in the state.

Universal Service Fund: Revisions to the Public Service Commission's Universal Service Fund that will result in bringing affordable telecommunications rates to school and public libraries.


Access Wisconsin: WLA supports the creation of a legislative program which gives all Wisconsin citizens access to the library collections and electronic information resources of all Wisconsin libraries. WLA identifies uncompensated cross border borrowing and lack of a statewide library technology initiative as significant barriers to access and believes these barriers can be overcome through a legislative program which establishes a strong funding partnership between state,county and local units of government.

The Wisconsin Library Association monitors all legislative initiatives as they pertain to library needs and interests. This includes the Common School Fund and issues related to intellectual freedom, access to information, and confidentiality in the use of library materials and services. WLA actively supports efforts to broaden the availability of communications technology for educational and informational purposes. WLA supports open access to state documents and information. WLA favors legislation which would expand public library system services to non-public libraries. WLA supports the concept of public library districts. WLA recognizes the importance of statewide library resources and their need for statewide support.

Approved by the WLA Board
December 12, 1996