Wisconsin Library Association
Library Development and Legislation Committee

Recommendations for Improved WLA Lobbying Efforts

  1. Current Needs

    1. Build on what we have
      1. Maximize volunteerism in promoting the WLA message by membership.
      2. Keep our effective working relationship with Quarles and Brady and explore increased involvement of Quarles and Brady as situations present themselves.

    2. Improve the way we do several things
      1. Develop a better way to hand off responsibilities in positions key to WLA's lobbying efforts, especially Legislative Advocate and Chair of Political Campaign Network.
      2. Better recognize the efforts of WLA political activists.
      3. Develop a better way to communicate the WLA message to membership and politicians.
      4. Clarify the relationship between WLA and DPI in developing and advancing the library agenda.

    3. Have a clear and consistent legislative agenda
      1. Develop a process internal to WLA which develops consensus on the broad goals of the legislative program.
      2. Find ways to increase membership ownership of the legislative goals.
      3. Always insure that the specific legislative agenda is keyed to the WLA board's broad goals.

  2. Recommendations

    1. Develop the legislative agenda through an association wide process
      1. WLA Board reviews and reconfirms WLA's broad legislative goals through inclusive consensus building.
      2. WLA divisions establish and use a method to advance their legislative agendas to LD&L for consideration.
      3. LD&L refines the broad goals into specific legislative objectives, works in coordination appropriate task forces, and conducts an organized series of forums to gather input and suggestions for the Legislative Agenda.
      4. LD&L maintains a regular liaison with appropriate DPI staff.
      5. LD&L presents the draft Legislative Agenda at the annual conference to generate broad membership input and support.
      6. LD&L formulates Legislative Agenda and forwards to WLA Board for its consideration.
      7. Legislative Agenda receives widespread distribution to entire membership.
      8. Legislative Agenda is featured at Library Legislative Day.

    2. Expand and revitalize the Legislative Network and Political Campaign Network
      1. Provide a network of Madison based assistants for the Legislative Advocate.
      2. Step up recruitment for the Political Campaign Network, especially among trustees and other library supporters.
      3. Provide recognition of WLA political activists in WLA newsletter and at WLA annual conference.

    3. Provide the Legislative Network and Political Campaign Network additional support from the WLA Office-estimated costs: $5,000
      1. Maintenance of a comprehensive data base of WLA members and political office holders to facilitate communication to WLA membership and selected subgroups, as well as political office holders and selected subgroups.
      2. Offer centralized coordination of the timing and content of this communication in consultation with WLA officers, the LD&L Chair, the WLA legislative advocate, and the WLA Governmental Affairs Advisor.
      3. The WLA Executive Director provides this additional support according to the way she/he sees this best fitting into the overall operations of the WLA Office.

    4. Enhance and expand WLA's lobbying activities-estimated costs: $10,000
      1. Minimum lobbying activities should include, in addition to the advice and "watch and report" services presently provided by Quarles and Brady, face to face contacts with government officials to verify commitments, identify potential problems, and cover gaps where WLA's networks do not have active constituents.
      2. Consider creation of a discretionary fund for additional action as needed for supplementary political contacts.

    5. Long range consideration-- estimated cost: $40,000 to $ 50,000
      1. A full fledged, high powered lobbying effort which includes regular affirmative lobbying on all major WLA initiatives.
      2. Perhaps this could be done in some years where a major initiative is being advanced but not in other years.