Cemetery, Normandy
Mrs. Reagan placing flowers on the
grave of American Red Cross worker, Elizabeth Richardson, M-D class of
1940., at the American Cemetery in Normandy France, June 6, 1982.
For another view of Liz's grave, click here.

Photo by: Mary Anne Fackelman, The White
July 31, 1945
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Richardson,
It's a fairly new little cemetery - but beautiful in its simplicity
on a small hillside with about 5,000 neat white crosses. The grass
hasn't come up yet, but there are plots of lovely red geraniums
between the blocks of graves and in the center the American Flag
at half-mast - and the whole cemetery surrounded by a neat white
fence. Liz was the first American girl buried there - along in a
line with others who had given their all - and surely for no better
reason than did Liz - no one ever did more for people in all ways
than she did...
Maggie, Mary and I leave tomorrow morning for Paris and Germany.
Liz was to have been with us - and she will be every minute of the
way. I hope all of us can keep a little of the spirit of Liz with
us always - it was a wonderful one...
We are determined not to be sad - Liz wouldn't have want[ed] it,
I know. We keep thinking of her wonderfully quick and humorous way
of seeing a situation...
Liz had a good life, living each moment for its best - and she was
so happy to be flying to Paris - so I know she had no regrets -
and it came quickly...
Please know how much we think of you and want to help.
Bette Brigham
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