Campus Center Planning Committee


Meeting Minutes for March 30, 2006


In attendance  Peter Bennett, Ken Bozeman, Harold Ginke, Lynn Hagee, Steve Hirby, Joy Jordan, Nathan Litt, Patrick Niles, Nancy Truesdell


Nancy explained that we will not be meeting every week this term, so committee members should watch for e-mail announcements each week.


The committee reviewed the draft of the faculty/staff survey that Joy had distributed in advance.  In addition to some minor edits, it was suggested that we add a question about meeting rooms and how faculty/staff might envision using them.  There was discussion about the importance of keeping the lines of communication open with faculty about this project.  Given that the faculty have expressed an interest in financial matters affecting the college, there could be some concerns raised if the Board of Trustees makes decisions in isolation.  It was decided that the survey can go out as soon as the website is up to date


Nancy presented two sets of drawings regarding outdoor spaces.  The “balcony” option offered a platform or “treehouse” concept where people could go outdoors from the Great View Room for special gatherings or to see the views. The “terrace” option took advantage of the area behind Sage Hall to create a gathering/event space.  Both versions include a handicapped entrance that is a winding garden path that comes out from the ground floor and ends at the terrace behind Sage.  After discussion of pros and cons, there was unanimous agreement that the terrace option is preferable to the platform concept.  There was also agreement that the LL2 outdoor dining area be enlarged as much as possible.  These new outdoor ideas mean that the wooded walkway down to the river will move further away from the building itself to the east, allowing it to be even more connected to the natural landscape.


Nancy will find out more information about the upcoming trustee meeting and the plan for a presentation about the Campus Center.


Next meeting:  April 6, 2006