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Math 300: Foundations of Algebra
Eugénie Hunsicker, Associate Professor of Mathematics

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Math 300, Foundations of Algebra
Winter 2006, MWF 2:50 pm, Briggs Hall room 416

Office Hours: My office hours will be posted on the board outside my office, and also under "Contact Info" to the right. I will also generally be available for a few minutes after class. Email me if you are unable to come to any scheduled office hours and if I have time, we can schedule another appointment. If you want to ensure that you can see me, do not wait until the last moment with questions.

Textbooks: The textbook for this course is Pinter, A Book of Abstract Algebra, which is available at Conkey's bookstore. You may not consult any other books.

Review Materials: Additional review materials may be made available throughout the term at Study Materials, at the left of this screen.

Homework: Most homeworks will be assigned on Wednesday of each week to be due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the following Wednesday. Two homework assignments will be due on Fridays instead, as indicated on the assignments page to the left. Homework will be split into two parts. One part will be group homework. You may work with your classmates on these, but do not get help from anyone outside the class or from sources other than your book or notes. You must write this homework up on your own. The other part of the homework will be individual homework. You should think of this homework as a take home, open book, open note exam. Do not discuss this with anyone, and do not consult any other sources.

In addition to homework problems, part of your homework each week is to read the assigned chapters in the book. There may be material we do not cover in class from these chapers. It is your responsibility to learn this on your own. Homework assignments, should you forget what they are, are posted under Assignments, to the left. Homework should be neat and legible. Late homeworks will lose one letter grade each day they are late. They will be considered late after the start of class on the day they are due. Homework is late after the beginning of class when it is due. So, if you don't
get the homework to me by the beginning of class, you might as well wait until the next day at class
time, since that is when it drops a second grade. Thus, there is no reason to miss class on account of
unfinished homework. In exceptional cases, I may be willing to grant an extension, but only one per
student per term. Unless I have granted someone an extension, I will do one homework problem in class on the day the homework is due.

Exams: There will be a midterm exam given at 7:00 in the evening on Wednesday, February 1. The exam should take under 70 minues to complete, but you may take as much as two hours if you wish. I will give you a room number for the midterm closer to that date. The final will be on Friday, March 17 at 1:30 in our classroom. There will be no makeup exams except in cases of emergency or unavoidable conflicts. Airplane tickets are not acceptable reasons for missing exams. If you have an unavoidable conflict with one of the exam dates, let me know as soon as possible to arrange a makeup exam. Except in cases of sudden emergency, I will not arrange a makeup exam unless I know at least a week in advance.

Grading: Your grade will be based on a weighted average of scores on group homework (25%), individual homework (50%), the midterm (10%), and the final (15%).


Last updated Jan. 3, 2005

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