National Geographic Society explorers in Alaska name glaciers after
21 educational institutions, including Lawrence and Milwaukee-Downer.
1911 Taft visits
President William Howard Taft speaks from the front steps of Main Hall.
1912 Do's and don'ts
The Lawrence College Student Handbook admonishes the students to:
"Get your green cap as soon as possible. Every Freshman must wear
one until Nov. 1. [If Lawrence won the Homecoming Game, freshmen
sometimes were allowed to take off their beanies after the game. If
they lost, they wore them until Nov. 1]; Do not sit on the Senior
bench. It wasn't put there for you; Don't be too anxious to scrap
with the Sophomores. That will come soon enough."
1913 Yuletide music
A choir comprising Lawrence students and Appleton community members
sings Handel's "Messiah" in concert during the holiday season. The
tradition continues on a biennial basis today.
1914 Phi Beta Kappa
"Phi Beta Kappa," Gamma chapter,
is established at Lawrence.