Lawrence University


May Day celebration, 1920

1920s And the winner is...

Each year, upperclass women elect four "Best Loved" senior women who then make their appearances at the "Best Loved Banquet." Dressed as George and Martha Washington and James and Dolly Madison, they enter the hall to the strains of a minuet. The tradition continues until 1961.

1925 Charting the course

Henry Merritt Wriston becomes president of Lawrence College. During his 12-year term, he charts the course Lawrence follows faithfully to the present day. Wriston leaves Lawrence in 1937 for the presidency of Brown University.

A few examination-time firecrackers dropped in a clothes chute cause $15,000 worth of damage to Brokaw Hall; five students are injured.

On to the 1930s

Milwaukee-Downer in the 1920s

Back to the 1910s
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