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Math 210, Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
Fall 2005, MWF 9:50 am, Briggs Hall room 416
Office Hours: My office hours will be
posted on the board outside my office, and also on my webpage. I will
also generally be available for a few minutes after class. Email me if
you are unable to come to any scheduled office hours and if I have time,
we can schedule another appointment. If you want to ensure that you can
see me, do not wait until the last moment with questions.
Textbooks: The textbook for this course is Boyce and
DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
eigth edition, which is available at Conkey's bookstore. Any other sources
we use this term will be put on reserve under this course name and number
in the library. I encourage you also to look for additional materials
in the library using the catalogue.
Review Materials: Additional review materials, including
exams and solutions from previous years, are available at Study Materials,
at the left of this screen.
Tutoring: Some tutors are available for this course through
the Center for Teaching and Learning in the basement of Briggs Hall. Please
TALK TO ME before you see them. After you have talked to me, you can call
the CTL (x6767) or email ( to make an appointment. Their
hours of operation are 9-5 Monday to Friday and 7-9 pm Sunday to Thursday.
Tutors will be instructed not to go over any assigned problems with students,
although they may, as will I, go over similar problems.
Homework: Homework assignments will be assigned
and due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS as designated on the schedule. Homework will be split into two parts. One part
will consist of 8-10 problems that involve fairly straightforward (but
not necessarily simple) applications of techniques. Two or three problems
on each assignment will be proofs or problems that require some cleverness
to solve with the techniques at hand. Part of your homework grade will
be for each of these two parts of the homework. Homework assignments,
should you forget what they are, are posted under Assignments, to the
left. Homework should be neat and legible. Cooperation is encouraged,
but duplication is not allowed. Late homeworks will earn a grade of 0,
and will be considered late after the start of class on the day they are
due. The lowest homework grade will be dropped. Homework solutions to
selected problems, including all proofs, will be posted on line.
Project: Students will pair off to prepare posters on
some application of differential equations. These posters will be presented
in a poster session during the last week of term. I will give more information
about these projects during class some time in the first few weeks. Handout
Calculators: You may use a calculator in this course,
but it is not required. I recommend that you attempt all but the most
calculationally gruesome problems by hand before checking your work on
a calculator. I will also CLEAR YOUR CALCULATOR BEFORE EACH EXAM. If you
are planning to use a calculator, I recommend the TI89, since that is
the one I know how to use. There will be two of these calculators on closed
reserve at the library circulation desk for you to use on homework (and
I will bring them in for exams) if you do not wish to make the investment
in a calculator of your own. Please do not remove these calculators from
the library.
Exams: There will be a midterm exam given at 7:00 in
the evening on Wednesday, October 19. The exam should take under two hours
to complete, but you may take as much as three hours if you wish. I will
give you a room number for the midterm closer to that date. The final
will be on December 6, which is Tuesday of finals week, at 81:30. I will
announce the room during the last week of class. There will be no makeup
exams except in cases of emergency or unavoidable conflicts. Airplane
tickets are not acceptable reasons for missing exams. If you have an unavoidable
conflict with one of the exam dates, let me know as soon as possible to
arrange a makeup exam. Except in cases of sudden emergency, I will not
arrange a makeup exam unless I know at least a week in advance.
Grading: Your grade will be based on a weighted average
of scores on basic homework (15%), advanced homework (10%), presentation
(15%), the midterm (30%), and the final (30%).