Excerpts from her letters home, 1944-45

May 18, 1945

Everything is in such a state of flux, nobody knows which end is up or where they're going next and all we talk about are points, who's going to the CBI, who's going home and what will the Red Cross do with us. Every G.I. has spend the last few days counting and counting their accumulated points and the first question in a conversation is "How are you coming on points?" Food has taken a back seat.

May 28, 1945

But I am anxious to get into Germany and the only thing that is holding me back is Frank, who will be leaving soon - and not for home. We live on rumors and if rumors were food, we'd be very fat. If I haven't told you about him, he a 1st Lieut. of the ATC (which means Ducks), landed in France on D-Day and has been here ever since. We have good times together and after three months, he's a nice habit. I met him the second night I was in LeHavre and except for two weeks in Marseilles and one when he went to Germany, he's been my steady diet. So much for that...

June 4, 1945

LeHavre is getting tidied up - PW's are piling rubble and a group of little Frenchmen have been working for two months on the road below our house... On the day after V-E day, the owner of this house (who hasn't been in it since the day the Germans' ordered him out) appeared, thinking in his straight-form Gaelic way, that since la guerre finie, we were finie too. I think the reason the natives cheered us so lustily at the V-E day parade was because they thought we were marching straight for the boat.

Members of Johnstown Fire Service marching in the V-E day parade. 
Photo by,
Johnstown, North Wales.  May 1945

July 8, 1945

Our new recruits are a bunch of spoiled brats. While we swooned over hot water and mattresses and somebody to cook doughnuts for us, they growl during their spare time and object to working in the rain. Meanwhile, troops are still pouring out of this part and will be for some time to come, as you probably know if you have any conception of the size of this deployment job.

July 22 and 23, 1945

I'm going to Paris again on Wednesday. Do you remember Bernie from Barrow-in-Furness? He's in Paris awaiting shipment home. Something is wrong with his knee and so I'm meeting him at 2:30 at the Hotel Normandy for a farewell get-together. I can't believe it, but it's been almost seven months since we said goodbye to them on a snowy night in Barrow. They were going to France and once more, we were packing up the Clubmobile and our footlockers...




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