Here are some examples of
my scholarship. I am also currently working on a book in Philosophy of
Language, Philosophy of Mind, and Metaphysics and Ontology, tentatively
entitled, Language, Thought, and Reality. The book also examines
certain topics addressed by Bertrand Russell in Lectures on Logical Atomism.
The links to the published papers work only if
you, or your institution, subscribe to the service. That's not my
idea; the papers are online only because the publishers have put
them online, and they have limited access to them. There are links
here so that those who can and want to access them have their
Selected published papers 
Selected Papers Presented Off Campus 
"Beliefs, Facts and
Propositions." American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, 1993
"Perry on Cognitive
Significance." American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, 1989.
"Coming to Believe What You Already
Believe." Minnesota Conference on Language and Linguistics, XV, Minneapolis, 1989.
"On Saying What We Say Because We
Believe What We Say." American Philosophical Association, Boston, 1986.
"Kripke on A Prioricity and
Necessity." American Philosophical Association, Los Angeles, 1986.
Selected Papers
Presented On Campus 
"Truth and Facts." Main
Hall Forum, Lawrence University, 2001.
"The Role of the Theory of Forms in Plato's
Freshman Studies Lecture on Plato's Republic, Lawrence University,
1999. (This is a substantially revised version of the 1992 lecture.)
"The Theory of Forms and the Law of
Non-contradiction." Freshman Studies Lecture on Plato's Republic, Lawrence
University, 1992.
"No Virginia, There is no Santa
Claus." Main Hall Forum, Lawrence University, 1987.
"Kuhn on Theoretical Terms."
Freshman Studies Lecture on Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Lawrence
University, 1986.
Proper Names and Definite Descriptions.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1984,
Director: Edmund L. Gettier, III.
Philosophy and Logic
Editor (2000),
Topic Editor (Philosophy of
Language, Philosophy of Mind, and Bertrand
Russell), Episteme