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Ever wonder
what Philosophy majors do when they don't go elect to pursue a career in Philosophy?
If so (and even if not), this page might help give you an answer.
(By the way,
each person listed below has indicated that they will send me a photo. It
might be a good idea for people interested in this page to remind them of
------------------------------->>>> |
Ryan Olsen (soon to be alum ('09))
will start work on his Ph.D. at the Yale School of Music this fall.
Lucky fellow. |
Sara Bergene, LU 2005
Judical Law Clerk at U.S.
Department of Justice, Executive Office of Immigration Review.
Juris Doctor (J.D.),
2005 – 2008
Recipient, Public Service Fellow with Dean's Highest Honors (completed
450+ hours of pro-bono work), 1st in class with 522 hours (2008)
(I believe these poor children pictured with Sara were forced to wear
Buckeye apparel. ( GO
BLUE!)) |
Carlson, LU 1999
I'm doing: I'm currently a 5th year
in the University of Minnesota's NIH-sanctioned Medical Scientist
Training Program (a combined MD/PhD degree program). I've completed the
first 2 years of medical coursework (not much patient work here, though
our program has restructured a little since I started), and am now
starting my 4th (and hopefully final, if experiments go well) year in
the Graduate Program in Neuroscience. Short version: I've genetically
manipulated mice to examine the role of a micronutrient in brain
development. Long version: I'm working with genetic tools (specifically
inducible trangenes and tissue-specific targeted knockouts--I'll be
happy to clarify) to study the role of iron (an extremely important
micronutrient that is a biochemical cofactor or structural element in
literally hundreds of proteins) during the development of the brain. I'm
further interested in how iron deficiency (anemic and non-anemic) affect
brain sub-structures such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
during late gestation and early postnatal development (when these
structures are differentiating). These structures are implicated in
memory, learning, and conscious processing, and iron deficiency during
these sensitive periods of development are known to cause long-lasting
cognitive deficits, as tested by a number of both behavioral and
electrophysiological measures, in both human and animal models. There
are currently large populations of children and pregnant moms who are at
risk for iron deficiency in both the developing world and western
such as the USA.
I've kept philosophy as a hobby, and am particularly interested in what
development, evolution, neuropsychology, and the emerging field of
developmental cognitive neuroscience can teach us about how the brain
works. Does this have implications for philosophy? I think so--a theory
of mind (or as Dreher says, "minding") should be compatible
with/grounded in these fields. When I see current work in the
neuroscience lit regarding processing and function in
prefrontal/parietal/language areas in the human brain, and even work
looking at brain function in animals such as fruit flies or mice or
monkeys, I long for my philosophy training at Lawrence, where there was
always someone to bounce ideas off of. I wish I had an outlet (and
time!) for discussion to pursue this!
Erik's Homepage |
Dieter, LU 2003
I am working at Lawrence University as
the Associate Director of Annual Giving. That's right, I returned.
Prior to my work at Lawrence, I worked
for a small social service agency in Evanston, Illinois as the
development and communications associate.
I now officially consider myself a development professional, but I hope
to one day pursue a MBA and take a position as an executive director of
a nonprofit agency. |
Drewes, LU 1994
I am currently ABD at the
University of Virginia in Religious Studies (Indian Buddhism) and am
also a visiting lecturer at Indiana University Bloomington. I have a
dissertation fellowship for next year and will defend next March.
My work is focused
generally on Indian Buddhism between roughly the third century BCE and
the fourth century CE, and especially on early, or "early middle
period," Mahayana Buddhism. I am also interested in Indian Religion more
broadly and in Buddhism as it has been and continues to be practiced
throughout Asia and in the West. I am currently working on a
dissertation and a handful of articles on the role of sutras (sacred
texts) in Mahayana thought and practice and on a group of people known
as dharmabhanakas, or "preachers of doctrine," who—I argue—were largely
responsible for the composition of Mahayana sutras and the development
of Indian Mahayana as we know it. I teach "Religions of the East,"
"Introduction to Buddhism," and an upper level seminar on Buddhism in
India. |
Edewards, LU 2004

Vice President at ACI Commercial
Insurance Broker.
Photographer at Edewards
(Here is a link to
some of Jonathan's work:
Tim Hadley, LU 2002
After Lawrence, I attended the
University of Minnesota Law School. I moved to Colorado after I
graduated in 2002. I worked for a time in a small Denver firm that
focused on business and real estate litigation. In May, 2005, I started
working in the real estate practice group at Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP,
a Denver firm of about 100 lawyers. I now spend most of my time on real
estate transactions or the real estate aspects of more multi-faceted
transactions. I enjoy the job. It's probably fair to say that most of my
work as a "dirt lawyer" involves applied logic. I spend most of my time
drafting contracts or advising clients who are trying to perform their
contracts (or trying to get the people on the other side to do so). I've
only been doing this work full-time for about five months, but I'm
enjoying it so far. I also try to involve myself in pro bono work and
other volunteer efforts. |
Ken Hemba, LU 2004

I have recently been accepted to the
Premedical Postbaccalaureate Program at Bryn Mawr College just outside
of Philadelphia. This basically means that starting June of '06 I'll be
sweating my liberally-educated mind off on biology, chemistry and
physics before I enter med school fall of '07. Cool
thing: BMC's linkage agreements with a dozen med schools (basically)
guarantee matriculation at the program of my choice when I complete
Essentially I've already been accepted to med school!
Mark V. Herzing, LU 1984

After graduating
from Lawrence, I earned a Master of Public Policy from the John F.
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. I was a Presidential
Management Intern with NASA, and then moved into government consulting.
In 2001 I helped found a government consultancy based in Alexandria, VA
that provides scientific, engineering, and technical management services
to NASA, the Defense Department, and the Department of Homeland
Security; we have 35 employees and expect to double in size this year.
I live in Fairfax Station, VA with my wife Suzanne and our children
Alex (2 years) and Grace (6 months). I remember the days of learning
from John Dreher, Bill Boardman, and my fellow students in the
Philosophy Department at LU with great fondness!
Best wishes,
Mark V. Herzing
Managing Partner
The Tauri Group, LLC
675 North Washington
Suite 220
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 647-8060
(703) 683-2866 (fax)
T. Vered
Meltzer, LU 2005

I work fulltime for Language Line
Services International as a Mandarin Interpreter. I work from home and
take conference calls with people in many different parts of the world.
I also do freelance webdesign. In my leisure time I work on artwork and
creative writing. If anyone would like a philosophical essay or article
translated into modern Chinese, for practical purposes or just for
amusement, feel free to email me. My personal website is |
Charles Newhall,
LU 1986
I am a prep school history teacher
at St. John's Preparatory School in Danvers, Massachusetts. I did my
graduate work at Boston College in the History Department, focusing
on the Early National Republic (American history), particularly
legal and cultural history. I have written about such figures as
John Pickering (lexicographer) and Joseph Story (U.S. Supereme Court
Associate Justice) and about such movements as the literary and
intellectual clubs of Early America (such as Franklin's Junto, the
Annapolis Tuesday Club, and the growth of atheneaums in America).
Since taking at course with David Brion Davis at Yale, my
scholarship has turned toward the issues of the emerging Atlantic
world, particularly Atlantic slavery. As a teacher of AP United
States history, my focus remains on teaching students to learn how
to learn, how to read critically and how to write logical analysis
with a narrative thread. My training in philosophy at Lawrence
challenged me to do the same, but also left me wanting more
narratives...hence history! |
Wayland Radin, LU 2006 |
Wayland is studying Law at the
University of Michigan. He just started this year after a year
roughing it out east. |
Jon Richards, LU 1986

After graduating from
Lawrence, I taught English in Japan, volunteered with Mother Teresa
in Calcutta, graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School
and then convinced people in Milwaukee to elect me to the Wisconsin
State Assembly. I now serve as Assistant Minority Leader in that
august body. Plato, Dewey and Mill are my constant companions as I
sift through the issues facing Wisconsin. It is great to be in
touch with the Lawrence Philosophy Department again. Hats off to
Tom for creating this site.
Todd Thompson, LU 1997

I majored in philosophy and physics while at Lawrence. I did my
graduate work in physics at the University of Arizona in Tucson. I
finished my Ph.D. there in theoretical astrophysics in the summer of
2002. I am currently a Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow in astrophysics at the
University of California, Berkeley, and I will join Princeton University
as a Lyman Spitzer Fellow in the fall of 2005. My interests are in
supernova explosions of massive stars, the formation of the heavy
elements, the birth of neutron stars, neutrino interactions, and the
formation, evolution, and structure of galaxies.
My courses in philosophy
at Lawrence have certainly helped me in my education and work as a
physicist --- especially in constructing arguments, in reading and
understanding texts and research papers, and in writing. In astrophysics
I encounter actual philosophy more often than one might think. The 'anthropic
principle', anthropic arguments, and the notion of 'multiverses' come up
often. |
Chris Van Hoof, LU 1996

After graduating from
LU in 1996, I continued my education at UW-Madison by earning a
mechanical engineering degree. After leaving UW-Madison, I moved to
a suburb of Detroit, MI to start a position with General Motors. I
worked several years as a fuel system test engineer. In 2001, I
returned to UW Madison to pursue an MBA. After graduating in 2003,
I returned to General Motors as a Financial Analyst with GM
Powertrain. I currently work on hybrid vehicle applications. I
recently purchased my first home and share it with my girlfriend,
Sarah, and our dog, Sax.
Jeff Walker, LU 1986

Elizabeth Crabtree congratulates Jeff Walker, the 2004
Margaret Fuhry Grant recipient.
I live
in Wales, Wisconsin, and work as a Research Manager –
Writing Specialist at Children’s Hospital and Health System
Foundation in Milwaukee (
Previously, I was an advancement researcher at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/the UWM Foundation
(1999-2002) and at Lawrence University (1998-1999). Before
that, I taught in the UWM English Department (1989-1998),
and also completed an MA and PhD there in English/Modern
Studies (1990, 1995).
snapshot was taken at an August 2004 conference in Toronto,
where I received the Margaret Fuhry Grant from the
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (
The award is presented annually to a fundraising researcher
who shows “commitment, leadership, and dedication to the
Where is the photo??? |
I am not quite sure if I am in the process of becoming a
'professional philosopher' or a professional anything for
that matter, I received my M.A. in Philosophy and Cultural
Analysis from the Universiteit van Amsterdam in 1999. After
having spent five years in Amsterdam and Paris, I currently
live in New York City where I am quite involved in the
contemporary chamber music and jazz and improvised music
scenes as a presenter and am pursuing my writing activities
on a broad range of cultural, musical, aesthetic,
philosophical, and political issues. I will be entering the
Ph.D. program in philosophy at the New School University in
the fall of 2006.(If so, Chris
will be booted off this page and booted onto the LU Alums in
Philosophy in '06.)
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